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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How To Celebrate: A Tutorial

Everyone has their favorite way to unwind and celebrate after crossing the finish line of whatever they've been working towards. For me, last week it was finishing finals and my first semester of nursing school. Fun summer huh?? Well, after hearing how I celebrated, you will probably think i'm 35 years old and not a junior in college, but that's okay (;
1. Put on your sunglasses and walk (or drive) home and realize how much nicer the world looks now that finals, the job interview, the work week, etc. is behind you. It's much prettier, I promise.
2. Sit on the couch, look out the window for a few minutes, soaking in that you have nothing that you have to study or work on anymore, and thank God it is BEHIND you. At least for now.
3. Wait till the boyfriend, husband, best friend, sister, mom, WHOEVER comes by with a bag full of your favorite snacks for the night in. Or, if you're a strong independent woman that don't need no man go get your pretty self in the car and get it yourself #ygg
This is what was in my goodie bag
Meat and cheese and wine is my and Hayden's FAVORITE. (The salmon is Hayden's not mine ewie) Of course, you are celebrating so you MUST add Champagne. And if it's a big accomplishment and you're a hoarder like me, then wash the bottle and save it. Also, I am spoiled, and always have pretty flowers because Hayden rocks. Again, flowers does not equal boyfriend. If you don't have a boyfriend or if you're boyfriend lives far away from you (like Hayden is about to be), or if your boyfriend doesn't buy you flowers, go buy yourself some flowers, YOU DESERVE IT. I've done that many times hehe. 
4. Now that you have supplies for your crazy night in, go get some gooodd food. But before you do that, put on whatever you bought yourself this week to get you through it or as a celebratory gift to yourself. You did do that right?? Go do it now if you forgot. 

What's new? This ($16!!) shirt and the Kendra Scott necklace that I got at the Nordstrom sale. 
This isn't a very good picture, but it was raining outside :( 
Just put on whatever outfit makes you happy. 
5. Go to a new restaurant you've been wanting to try or go to your favorite restaurant. 
6. Come home, turn on some happy music, and pop that champagne! And once that is gone... open the wine. Hopefully you have someone to share this with, but if you want it all to yourself, that's fine too. 
7. Relax and give yourself a booty bump, you did it! 

Well friends, that's how I celebrated. How do you like to celebrate?? 

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