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Monday, July 13, 2015

New Bathtime Necessities

So this weekend I picked up a couple bath time goodies that I love so much I have to share with y'all! I kept stealing my sister's body shop coconut body butter at the beach this weekend (because it's amazing too!) and when I went to ulta to buy my own I came across Tree Hut she's body butter in coconut lime. It was less than half the price of the body shop butter (6.50 I think) and after using it I even think it feels and smells better!! It's safe to say I am obsessed with this stuff after a weekend of being dried out by salt and sun. I also picked up a bag of their coconut lime Epsom salt because it has all the benefits of Epsom salt, plus it's moisturizing (seriously) and it smells delish. And for only $6 for that huge bag! 

And my favorite addition to my life, and therefore bath time, is "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Yes I am finally jumping on the band wagon. I love this little book and if you're thinking about trying it I would definitely recommend it. It's short and sweet and the words are spoken through the point of view of God so I get my daily dose of a calming, motivational, loving voice from God. 
If anyone has any questions about something you see on my table I'll be happy to answer. 
Well, time to get out the tub and slap on some body butter! 
Night y'all,